Saturday, October 13, 2018

CIS 3.1 in Azure - Cloudneeti

In a previous post, we discussed the concept of vulnerability scanning in Azure and how tools such as Azure Security Center can provide valuable insight into best practices for configuring your environment. In addition to built-in tools (such as ASC), there are a host of 3rd party tools that can provide similar functionality.  The one that I will focus on today is Cloudneeti.

Full disclousure, cloudneeti has not paid for this blog post, and this is also not a recommendation.  I simply want to highlight the options available in the marketplace and how they differ from the built-in tooling.  Big thanks to cloudneeti for putting up with my tardiness and provisioning me an instance that I could fool around with.

Connecting up cloudneeti is actually quite easy.  Log in to a provisioned instance with appropriate credentials and connect it up to your subscription.  It essentially creates an application inside your AAD that has appropriate level of access.

Signing in, you get a pre-created dashboard that gives you some interesting facts about your subscription.