I have been working on using my Azure subscription to set up a honey pot network of difference sensors that i can fool around with. The goal of this article is to talk a bit about setting up wordpot on MHN.
If you don't know, MHN or the Modern Honeypot Network, is a pretty cool project put on by ThreatStream. You can find out more info: https://github.com/threatstream/mhn
One pretty cool thing I've noticed so far is that MHN makes it extremely easy to setup and configure new sensors, by providing scripts to automate the installation and base configuration.
One of the first sensors I wanted to play around with is wordpot. Wordpot is essentially a wordpress emulator that allows you to build configurable plugins based on specific input calls. I will likely fool around with customizing this later on, but for now I just wanted to get the initial sensor going.
After setting up a blank ubuntu 16.04 box, it was remarkably simple to get wordpot configured up. Navigating to the deploy > Ubuntu - Wordpot in my MHN server gave me a pre-built script that took care of the rest.
Something like:
wget "http://<your server>/api/script/?text=true&script_id=13" -O deploy.sh && sudo bash deploy.sh http://<your server> <your key>
And that was it. Wordpot connected up and I can now see my sensor in my sensors tab.
I decided to test out a couple of attacks against my sensor. They showed up in the attacks tab.
One thing I noticed is that there is a serious lack of information in the attacks tab. I know that something happened, but not what (no packet, or anything like that). This is something I will have to learn more about in the future (how to aggregate the logs, etc).
Wordpot itself has two log files that gave me some insight into what was going on.
The first was /opt/wordpot/logs/wordpot.log which gives me detailed information about the attacks.
The second is the /opt/wordpot/wordpot.out which seems to contain a detailed log of the network traffic against the site.
That middle entry above represents the first request (not from me) against the server. 10 minutes after server deployment. I guess that is about average!
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